The Galapagos Islands, May 2007

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5 - - Monday, May 14 - - Charles Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz Island








They separate hatchlings from the different islands
















Why does Richard look happier posing with Ingrid than with me?  Duh!




"Fractal" leaves



These guys have a passion for passion fruit







Nobody home now


Entering a huge lava tube




After a long hike it was either do this or go all the way back


Galapagos mud feels great






Local musicians boarded and played for us


and danced


Previous Next
1 - Wednesday, May 09 - Dallas to Miami to Quito
2 - Friday, May 11, AM - Quito to Baltra then Santa Cruz
3 - Saturday, May 12, AM - Espanola (Hood) Island
4 - Sunday, May 13 AM - Fernandina (Narborough) Island
5 - Monday, May 14 - Charles Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz Island
6 - Tuesday, May 15 AM, Bartholomew Island
7 - Wednesday AM, May 16 - Rabida (Jervis) Island
8 - Thursday AM, May 17 - San Cristobal Island
9 - Friday AM, May 18 - Baltra Island back to Guayaquil